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About our Story Times

We run story time sessions in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, with special programs during the summer.

Registration begins two weeks before the start of each program online, in person, by phone and via email. Registration is for all weeks of a month. Be sure to register early as story times fill up very quickly! Click here to see a list of all our current story time programs.

Want to get notified about our upcoming programs? Sign up here to receive weekly emails about what is going on at the library.

For infants to age 2

Grow Play Learn
For ages infant to 5 years old on Fridays

Birth – 2  Fridays @ 9:45am

2-5 Fridays @ 10:45am

Songs and skill-building led by an Early Childhood Developmental trained staff member. Guiding caregivers in strengthening interactions with their child. The program includes curriculum, Ages and Stages Questionnaire, and resources to fit your child’s individual needs. This program is provided by Pathways for Parents CFCE.

Communication & Play!
For ages birth to 3 years.  Twice a  month @ 10:00am

Parents & caregivers will feel empowered through active participation and education focused on helping each child grow in a variety of language and play skills. Toys, songs and skill building activities will be incorporated

For 2 to 6 year olds

Wiggles & Giggles 
For ages 2 to 3  with a caregiver.  Wednesdays at 10:00am
Wiggles & Giggles is an introductory Early Literacy Class designed to increase children’s comfort level with books and the written word. Children listen to stories, sing active songs and finger plays, get up for active dances, and work on fine motor skills with an age-appropriate art project. Children attend class with a caregiver.
Registration is required for the entire month.

Preschool Storytime!
For ages 3 to 6. Mondays at 10:00pm
Preschool Storytime is a transitional Early Literacy Class designed to continue children’s comfort level with books and promote independence at the Library. Children listen to stories, sing, play active and literacy games, and continue to work on appropriate behavior. Children attend the first half of the program alone, then are joined by a caregiver to assist with the art project. Registration is required for the entire month.

Storytime Art!
For all ages. Twice a month Thursdays @ 10:00am
Children enjoy a special themed Art program with stories songs and art. They will have a  fun-filled morning of learning, exploration & art! This art program is for children ages 3-6 years of age. Registration is required for the entire month.

Please dress for mess!

The Library will close at 1:00 pm on 12/24 and will be closed all day on 12/25. The Library will close at 1:00 pm on 12/31 and will be closed all day on 1/1/25.