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Cypress Resume logo

Cypress Resume allows you to create a basic cover letter and resume that you can link to, download, and update from anywhere. The interface is step-by-step and you can find example keywords and skills for a long list of jobs that you can use to improve your cover letter or resumes.

Peterson's Career Prep logo

Create a free account at Peterson’s Career Prep and use it to create a dynamic, easily formatted resume, practice your interview skills, and learn how to negotiate job conditions.

Peterson's Test Prep logo

Create your free Peterson’s account at Peterson’s Test Prep to review courses and take practice tests on hundreds of topics including medical tests like CNA or other nursing fields, trades like journeyman tests for plumbers and electricians, military and policy tests, clep out of college courses, prepare for GED and HiSet and much more. logo

Get ready for your Massachusetts driver’s license test at

Transparent Language Online logo

Try Transparent Languages for self-paced language learning software helps users learn practical conversations and cultural insights to communicate effectively

The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th.