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Click here to view the Meeting Room Policy as a pdf document.

The East Longmeadow Public Library’s meeting rooms are used primarily for Library and Library-sponsored programs, Friends of the East Longmeadow Public Library, and East Longmeadow Town Departments. Library and Library-sponsored programs and Town of East Longmeadow meetings are exempt from this policy.
Subject to availability, the Meeting Rooms are available for public use by application for free and open (1) charitable, (2) civic, (3) cultural, (4) educational, or (5) intellectual activities. Meeting room facilities shall be made available on an equitable basis. The use of the meeting room space must always be subordinate to the paramount need to provide a safe, peaceful and respectful environment in which to read and study.

1. Community Room
a. 50 person capacity
b. Tables and chairs
c. Drop down projector screen
d. Podium

2. Conference Room
a. 10 person capacity
b. Conference table and chairs (not removable)

The Library shall follow guidelines set forth by government officials, the Town Manager and the Library Director as to the number of people who will be permitted to attend an event in either the Community Room or the Conference Room, including during a public health emergency.

1. Library, Library-sponsored, Friends of East Longmeadow Public Library, and Town of East Longmeadow programs and meetings have priority over all outside groups. The Library Director reserves the right to reschedule confirmed reservations to accommodate Library and Town programs and events.
2. Meeting rooms may be booked for a maximum of 2 hours, which includes set up and take down time.
3. Meetings must occur during regular operating library hours.
4. All meetings must end 15 minutes before the library closes.
5. Meeting rooms may be reserved up to 2 months in advance of the meeting date.
6. No more than 4 reservations per calendar year may be made by any one applicant or group.
7. Recurring meetings (daily, weekly, monthly) will not be permitted.

1. All meetings shall be free of charge and open to the public.
2. No fundraising, promotions or sales of services or products, merchandise, materials or other items are allowed, unless such promotions or sales are approved in writing in advance by the Library Director.
3. Meeting rooms shall not be used for private parties or social gatherings, entrepreneurial or commercial purposes, solicitation of business, worship services or ceremonies, political campaigning, or proselytism.
4. Meeting room reservations must be made by written application, completed in full, and submitted to the Library Director (or designee) at least 2 weeks in advance of the requested meeting date. Applicants will be provided the Patron Behavior and Safe Child Policies. Applicants and attendees are responsible to abide by all Library policies, which are listed on the Library’s website at
5. The Release of All Claims form must be completed in full on the day of the scheduled Meeting Room Use.
6. Applications must be submitted by an East Longmeadow resident who is 18 years or older, who will be in attendance at the meeting, and is the person held responsible for the conduct of the meeting and adherence to all regulations (including Town By-Laws and State and Federal Laws), and any resultant damages to Library property.
7. The application form includes permission to release the applicant’s contact information in the event of public inquiries.
8. The Library reserves the right to require any individual or group to obtain and pay for an East Longmeadow Police detail if the Library Director or Town Manager deems it to be in the interest of public safety. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in immediate cancellation of the scheduled event.
9. When appropriate advance application may not be possible, as in the case of emergency or call meetings, the use of the meeting rooms may be approved at the discretion of the Library Director (or designee).
10. Meeting rooms are not available for use when the Library is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions. In the event of an unscheduled Library closing, a group may reschedule another meeting time. Unscheduled closings will be posted on the Library’s website. Whenever possible, Library Staff will notify the applicant of the unscheduled closure.
11. Should the Library deny an application, the decision may be appealed in writing to the East Longmeadow Town Manager, 60 Center Square, East Longmeadow, MA 01028. The Town Manager will render a written decision within fourteen days of the appeal.

A Library Staff member will check the room before and after use.
1. Library Staff must have access to the meeting room at all times.
2. Activities for minors (age 17 and under) must be supervised at a ratio of 1 responsible adult per 15 minors.
3. The applicant must notify the Library at of any cancellations or requested changes of the schedule at least one (1) business day prior to the scheduled meeting time.
4. The applicant must set up and take down the chairs, tables, and equipment, as needed, and clean up all trash from the room, placing it in appropriate waste and recycling containers.
5. Items may not be affixed to the walls, trim, windows or doors.
6. The applicant must report to a Library Staff member any apparent damage prior to using the room in order to avoid being held responsible for the damage.
7. The applicant takes responsibility for any damage to the Library or its equipment caused by or resulting from the applicant’s use of the room.
8. The Library is not responsible for items left behind or unattended either before, during, or after an event.
9. Permission for an individual or group to meet at the Library does not constitute or imply an endorsement of policies, beliefs, practices or programs by the East Longmeadow Public Library, Library Staff, or the Town of East Longmeadow.
10. All publicity, such as advertisements, announcements, press releases, flyers, electronic postings, etc., must state the following:
a. The meeting/event is not sponsored by the East Longmeadow Public Library.
b. The meeting/event held in the Library does not constitute an endorsement by the Library, Board of Library Trustees and/or Town of East Longmeadow of the individual’s or group’s policies, beliefs, practices, or programs.
11. The Library Director reserves the right to revoke the privilege of an individual or group during the program and/or for any future use of the library meeting rooms when it has been determined that there has been a misrepresentation by the applicant’s stated purpose for a given meeting, or for noncompliance with the Meeting Room Policy.

The “Meeting Room Policy” is subject to review and amendment by the Board of Library Trustees.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, July, 2004
Amended by the Board of Library Trustees, February, 2018
Amended by the Board of Library Trustees, June, 2020
Amended by the Board of Library Trustees, September, 2024


Date of application: _________________
Meeting Date: __________________ Meeting time: from____________ to____________
Name of applicant: ___________________________________________________
Phone#: ______________________ Email address: __________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Anticipated attendance: ______________
Room requested:
Conference Room
Community Room
Purpose of meeting:
Charitable (must be able to provide 501(c)(3) documentation upon request)
Meeting description:
Special requests:

The applicant reserving the Meeting Room must attend the meeting and will be held responsible for any damages incurred and as described in the Meeting Room Policy, Guidelines and Application.
I have read the attached Meeting Room Policy, Behavior Policy, Safe Child Policy and Release of All Claims and agree to abide by the terms. I also agree to allow Library Staff to provide my contact information in the event of public inquiries.

Signature: __________________________________________________
___ Check here if you would like a photocopy of this signed, confirmed application.

Meeting rooms are not officially booked until you receive a written confirmation from the Library.


Date application received: _________ Date application confirmed/denied: ______________
Confirmation made via: _____email _____mail
Library Staff Name: _________________________________________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, July 2004
Amended by the Board of Library Trustees, March, 2014
Amended by the Board of Library Trustees, September, 2024



I, __________________________________ (Name of individual executing this release), being allowed to participate in the use of the East Longmeadow Public Library meeting rooms and facilities do hereby forever release, acquit, discharge and covenant to hold harmless the said East Longmeadow Board of Library Trustees and the Town of East Longmeadow and their employees, of and from any and all debts, demands, actions, causes of actions, suits, claims, and damages on account of or in any way growing out of, directly or indirectly, all known and unknown personal injuries or property damage resulting from the use of the East Longmeadow Public Library and parking area and any activities and programs offered therein.

Executed as an agreement this _____ day of __________ in the year ________.

Applicant’s Signature

Applicant’s signature witnessed by: __________________________________________
Library Director or Designee’s Signature