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Search Gale LegalForms to find hundreds of official legal forms and documents tailored to Massachusetts and federal laws.


The Massachusetts Libraries Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) provides access to dozens of research databases that you can search for peer reviewed articles, articles, and more. Click here to access the searchable list of databases.

Britannica Library logo

Online Encyclopedia and reference center from Britannica.

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U.S. news content from local, regional, and national sources, NewsBank is the largest resource of its kind.

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Access the full-text article index of Boston Globe articles dating back to 1980. You can search articles or view all articles from a specific issue.

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Access the full-text article index of New York Times articles dating back to 1985. You can search articles or view all articles from a specific issue.

The Library will close at 1:00 pm on 12/24 and will be closed all day on 12/25. The Library will close at 1:00 pm on 12/31 and will be closed all day on 1/1/25.