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Click here to view the Internet Acceptable Use Policy as a pdf document.

The East Longmeadow Public Library provides public Internet access to all patrons as part of its mission to provide free and equal access to information, resources, and technology. The information that is obtained from the Internet can neither be verified nor authenticated by the East Longmeadow Public Library and is, therefore, to be evaluated by the user as to its validity, currency, accuracy, or appropriateness.

Filtered Internet Access: The Town of East Longmeadow restricts access to material that may be harmful or inappropriate by providing filtered Internet access on all Town public Internet access computer terminals.

Unfiltered Internet Access: Unfiltered Internet access is not available on computers connected to the Town Internet network.

Unauthorized Internet Access: Unauthorized access, including hacking and other unlawful activity is prohibited, and  violators of this policy will be referred to the appropriate legal authorities.

The East Longmeadow Public Library is pleased to provide wireless Internet access for patrons using their own laptop computers or other personal wireless devices at the Library. The Library’s network is a password protected, WPA2 encrypted network; however, use of the East Longmeadow Public Library wireless network is at the user’s own risk. It is recommended that personal information such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and other such information not be transmitted using the wireless network. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from inappropriate use, including identity theft, viruses, spy-ware, plug-ins, etc.

Patrons who utilize the Library’s wireless network, both inside and outside the building, are expected to comply with the Library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Users of the public Internet workstations at the East Longmeadow Public Library agree to the following:

Computer Use: The Library retains the right to monitor patrons’ computer use and personal behavior. Illegal acts involving Library property and/or resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal officials. Users agree to abide by all applicable federal and state laws, including Copyright Laws ( and other license restrictions. The Library is a public setting and disruptive or inappropriate behavior cannot be tolerated, including but not limited to inappropriate graphics or language, or harassment of other patrons or offsite individuals. The Library reserves the right to terminate an online session at any time.

The Library acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians to monitor and determine their children’s access to Library materials and resources, including those available through the Internet. Parents and guardians must assume responsibility for deciding which Library resources are appropriate for their own children.

Downloading: Files may be saved using USB flash drives, or by saving to a designated space on the Library’s computers. Anything saved to the designated space on the Library’s computers will be deleted when the computer session ends. Files downloaded from any East Longmeadow Public Library networked computer may contain viruses and/or malware. The East Longmeadow Public Library is not responsible for any loss of data or damage incurred.

Hardware Modification: Users may not modify, change, or alter the Library’s computer hardware. Computer equipment is not to be turned off at any time. If, during use, a problem develops, a staff member should be notified immediately. Misuse, vandalism, or damage to computers and applicable hardware will result in suspension or termination of Library privileges and/or referral to appropriate authorities.

Installation of Software: No software may be installed onto Library computers, and no settings on Library-installed software may be changed. Access to the computer’s hard drive and the Library’s internal network is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to access internal files or breach security will be considered a serious infraction. Violations will result in suspension or termination of Library privileges and/or further action by appropriate authorities.

Time Limits: Library patrons have up to 180 minutes per day of computer use. If all computers are in use, patrons may make a reservation to schedule access at the next available computer. Computers so reserved will be held for 10 minutes, after which they will be made available for walk-up users.

The East Longmeadow Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, directly or indirectly, which may arise from the use of its computers or Internet access, either through its network or through its Internet provider. Patrons using the Internet and the computer systems do so at their own risk. The East Longmeadow Public Library assumes no responsibility for any actions of its patrons, directly or indirectly, relative to the use of the computer system and/or the Internet. The East Longmeadow Public Library makes no representations as to the content of any website visited by any individual.

The “Internet Acceptable Use Policy” is subject to review and amendment by the Board of
Library Trustees.


Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, August, 2006.
Reviewed and amended by the Board of Library Trustees, April, 2015.
Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, May, 2023